Online Registration Screenshots

View screen shots of all the online registration steps from start to finish. Registering online is the only way to be sure your entry is entered correctly and the profile information is accurate.

The R2sports online entry for event participants makes entering an event quick and easy. Registrants can modify their entry as many times as needed up until the entry deadline.

Step 1: Verify profile info Step 2: Select divisions Step 3: Confirm Registration Step 4: Secure Payment Step 5: View receipt

R2sports Screen Shots: Online Registration

Registering Online Information

When the participant is registering online, they will be able to add a new profile or update their existing profile information. The form will change based on which type of event is being entered. For team sports, the team name field will appear and instead of the first and last name fields which appear for individual sports.

Both team and individual sports will ask for all the basic contact information, like address, email, and phone, but only individual sports will ask for a date of birth and a shirt size. The date of birth is used to verify that a player is registering online for the correct divisions. The tournament template setup has an option if the event is offering screen t shirts and if NO is selected, the shirt size option will be hidden.

Login credentials can be changed from the profile page. For stronger security, passwords are case sensitive and must be at least eight characters in length and also contain at least one capital letter or number. The registering online information page also asks the registrant to select a secret question and provide an answer. This will allow the user to retrieve their login information in the future if it is forgotten.

Sport specific information will also be asked when registering online. This information includes: Skill level, date started playing, date of first competition, and racquet type if it is a racket sport.

Some sports require a selection for the home club / school drop down menu. When users view the participants list, there is an option to view participants by club. The media report also allows a user to run a report for all players or teams from the same club.

After filling in all the required fields on the registering online information page, the user is directed to the first step of online registration which is to verify reg on line profile info.