Membership System Screen Shots

The R2sports membership software helps an organization manage its users.

Groups can be created and users linked to specific groups. An administrator can use the email generator tool to communicate with all the users in a group. Users can join or renew their membership online by making selections from the shopping cart. Approved directors can also pay their sanctioning fees through the membership website.

All payment transactions are recorded in the activity history and reports can be generated for each user. Easily update user data and search user records. Generate reports and export them to excel or an access database.

R2sports Screen Shots: Sanctioning

Activate Events Software

After going through the steps to sanction an event online, the last thing to do is to activate the events software. Begin by selecting the sport, country and state / province of the event.

If the directors name is in the dropdown menu of directors, select it, otherwise leave this blank. Enter the director email and the desired user name and password for the event. The login information must be different for each event.

Confirm that the event type and the membership group is selected correctly, and select whether the event is a local or a national event.

Then add the basic event information like event name, start and end date, and the club or venue that is hosting the event. After saving the information, the event will be created and the director can begin setting up the tournament template.