Tournament Software Screenshots

View screen shots for tournament setup, registered participants, brackets, match times and final results. The R2sports league application has the same features as the tournament software.

The R2sports software tournament application and league manager tool are online web applications that are easy to use. Save hours of time creating draws and setting game times. No need to download and install anything on your computer. Use the software on any pc or smart phone with internet access. Multiple directors can be logged in at the same time. Players and fans can enter and get all of the tourney info from one website.

R2sports Screen Shots: Participants

Tournament Participants Section

The tournament participants section is where the director manages the competitors in the event. When a tournament participant does not register online, the event staff will need to manually enter the registration.

Add a new tournament participant to the event by searching for the first 3 letters of their first and last name. For team sports, tournament manager only needs the first 3 letters of the team name. If the competitor is not found in the R2sports database, then the director will be registering online a new profile for the tournament participant. The tournament participants section also has a participant quick find feature. Begin typing the first few letters of the competitor’s name, and it will filter the list and show only names that match the criteria.

Features in the quick find features include:
1) Viewing a tournament participant’s profile
2) register for event divisions and make division modifications
3) View the tournament participant’s registration online summary and add tournament registration items to their entry.
4) Send an email receipt to the tournament participant
5) Print a registration receipt for the competitor.
6) View all possible match times of a tournament participant
7) Replace a competitor with new tournament participant.
8) Remove a player or team from the event

The tournament participants section also has a link to the player search, used to find a tournament player. There are several different ways to list the tournament participants registered in the event which include:
1) Alphabetically: last, first
2) Grouped by country
3) Grouped by state / provice
4) Grouped by city
5) Grouped by home club or venue

A tournament participant alpha list is also available that displays like a directory listing of all the players or teams and includes their address, city, state, zip, phone, email, and division information.

In sport divisions where age is an important factor, there is also a page that lists all tournament participants that do not have a valid date of birth in their profile.

Individual sports that have doubles divisions can use the bracket creator for doubles pairing to pair up 2 individuals to form a team.